BCM Nexus with Phone Numbers

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In the 3/23/2007 post titled "Linking Tasks to Contacts",

Lon Orenstein said:

The request has been made multiple times in this group for a function
similar to what people are used to in ACT (and other contact managers). In
their task list, they could see not only the subject of the task, but who it
was scheduled with (linked to, which you just fixed), and their phone number
(which we're all hoping you'll do next!). That way, a person can just look
at the task list, see the task (like make a follow up call to a prospect),
see who it applies to, and dial their number without ever leaving that one

So, that's why the request for the phone number too...


So here's a new version of the BCM Nexus code that takes care of Lon's
request (I think). The code will link your Tasks or Appointments created in
BCM back to the parent Business Contact or Account (just as before), and it
will now insert a field in the Task or Appointment that contains the Business
Phone Number of the associated Contact or Account. After you have created at
least one Task (or Appointment) with the code in place, you can create new
views of your Tasks or Appointments that include the BCMPhone field. Just
use the Field Chooser to grab the BCMPhone field which should be listed under
User Defined Fields in Folder.

Insert the code below into your ThisOutlookSession (or replace your current
BCM Nexus vba if you already are using it from the earlier posts). Remember
to watch out for lines that might have been wrapped by this board's mail


Regards.....Bill Kratz

Here's the vba code:

Option Explicit
Private WithEvents olInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors

Private Sub Application_Startup()
Dim olApp As New Outlook.Application
Set olInspectors = olApp.Inspectors
End Sub

Private Sub olInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal pInspector As Outlook.Inspector)
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objItem As Object
Dim strID As String
Dim bcmContact As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim strBCMPhone As String
Dim BCMPhone As UserProperty

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objItem = pInspector.CurrentItem

If objItem.Class = olTask Or olAppointment Then
If Not objItem.UserProperties("TemporaryParentEntryId") Is Nothing
strID = objItem.UserProperties("TemporaryParentEntryId")
Set bcmContact = objNS.GetItemFromID(strID)
objItem.Links.Add bcmContact
strBCMPhone = bcmContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber
Set BCMPhone = objItem.UserProperties.Add("BCMPhone", olText)
BCMPhone.Value = strBCMPhone
End If
End If

Set bcmContact = Nothing
Set objItem = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Application_Quit()
Set olInspectors = Nothing
End Sub
Thank you SIR!!! I just got back in town and will check this out later
today after I get caught up...


Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager
800.238.0560 x6104 Toll Free (U.S. only) +1 214.905.0401 x6104

This fix sounds wonderfull - but I have to confess - I have no idea how to
add your code to my outlook.

Can i ask you to post a dummies' click by click version?????

Thanks in advance,

I just added this an nothing seems to happen. I looked at your mockup screen
shots and I'm expecting to find new buttons on contact and Opps. Please advise
I'm exactly like AB: I have no idea how to add your code to my Outlook BCM.
Could I therefore also ask you to describe in a "dummies' language" how to do

Many thanks in advance

I am another ex-ACT user that has no clue where to paste this VBA text.
Where are the "for dummies" instructions?
OK, here you go:

1. In Outlook, click on Tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor. A new window
will display that is the MS Visual Basic Editor.
2. In the upper left corner is a Project panel, with one project showing,
inventively named Project1.
3. Click the plus sign to the left of Project1 to open the tree.
4. Click the plus sign to the left of Microsoft Office Outlook Objects
5. Double click on ThisOutlook Session. A new window opens.
6. Paste the BCM Nexus code in that window.
7. On the main menu of the VB Editor, click File, Close and Return to
8. On the main menu of OUTLOOK, click File, Exit and answer Yes to "Save
changes in VB Editor". Don't use the red X in the upper right corner, use
File, Exit.
9. Restart Outlook and you should be good to go...


Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager
Does the code have to be different if you are not using BCM? Our company
just uses Outlook 2007.
Does the code have to be different if you are not using BCM? Our company
just uses Outlook 2007.

- Show quoted text -

Outlook doesn't have a notion of parenting an activity with a contact.