BCM is missing after Outlook crashed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kirby Turner
  • Start date Start date

Kirby Turner


Outlook had a nasty crash on my laptop. After rebooting and making
sure everything is right in the world, with regard to my laptop, I
launched Outlook. To my surprise the Business Tool menu is now
missing, as is the Business Database menu item under File. Also, all
linked activity under each business contact and account shows only the
contents of my Inbox. I have run EnableBCM.exe which reported that
BCM is already enabled.

How do I re-integrate BCM back into Outlook? Do I have to re-install
BCM, and if I do will I lose my already saved information?


Not sure what combination of tricks I used but BCM is back and there
was no data loss.

BCM Missing after integration

Hi all,

Can you recall what you did to revive BCM in Outlook? I was installing BCM via Remote Desktop and had a failure. I presume this had something to do with my PPC being connected. Anyway, I opened Outlook, said OK to integrating BCM, and there were problems with BCM which perpetually required Outlook to close. I then uninstalled/reinstalled BCM, but I can't get BCM to appear. BCMSetup.exe indictates it is integrated, but I cannot see it. Any suggestions? Thanks.