Was able to get two Office 2003 Pro systems going with BCM. My project is a
mixture of BCM desktops. Installing the BCM Update to v2 seemed to make the
difference there. This leaves you with BCM v2 and SQL 2005 Express. I also
downloaded SQL 2005 Visual Express Manager so I could see the database engine
and instances. The osql command line is too tedious.
I have two issues now. The 2007 issue above and now getting the 2003 SQL
BCM to share across the LAN. (A new thread I am starting.)
You may want to download the Visual Manger if you have not.
I found that the SQL database for BCM is not under cL\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL ... as it usually is. It is under C:\Document and
Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Microsoft\Business Contact Manager. You may
want to look at its properties and security to see if anything jumps out.
Thanks for your input. Please post if any answers pop up.
Correct Problem Definition is 50% of the Solution ...
I'm having the exact same problem, having added BCM to an installed
Enterprise version of Office 2007. I've followed all the steps to no avail.
BCM shows up in folder list, but not on toolbar. When I click on BCM in
folder list, the program shuts down.
Rick Harrison
Test results below. No luck.
Can I put the BCMMS32.dll somewhere so Outlook will find it. I tried the
addins directory under the C://Prog .../Business Contact Manager/ No luck.
It seems that getting Outlook to see the addin file and allow it to be added
is the key.
Correct Problem Definition is 50% of the Solution ...
The addin is the code in the Program Files\M S B\BCM folder. The actual menus
and other BCM UI are in the DLLs in that folder.
irisms32.dll (2003) and BCMMS32.DLL (2007) are the stubs for the BCM MAPI
store (the BCM folders in the Outlook left pane).
A likely reason you don't see the add-in is because it's been disabled.
In Outlook 2007 look in menu Tools|Trust Center, Add-ins tab. At the bottom,
where it says "Manage", select "Disabled Items", Go. Does BCM show up? If so,
enable it.
Nothing in disabled box.
Also, in the Windows Registry check:
The value of LoadBehavior should be 3 for Outlook to load it.
The Key was already set as you suggest.
If those don't fix things, try creating a new Outlook Mail Profile, and
starting BCM with that.
Tired that before. Gave same result.
This thread contains the solution for my 2003 BCM Business Tools TAB missing
issue. The add-in for BCM was disabled. When I enabled it, a Finializing
Installation Menu poped up and added the Menu TAB.
I am still stuck on BCM for Office 2007 with the same issue. I tried the
disabled items on help there. Nothing was showing.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Correct Problem Definition is 50% of the Solution ...
I have narrowed this down by poking around some more and trying to install on
XP and Office 2003 to get a contrast. The results are the same in both cases.
I can see the databse and attach it but I do not get the Business Tools Menu
Tab added or the add-in showing up.
So here are my questions:
1. What is the name of the add-in file. I saw one post that suggested
irisms32.dll. This does not seem to be correct because the file structure is
not a com or ecf compatible add-in.
o in Office 2003?
o in Office 2007?
2. What is the process that adds the Business Tools tab? Is it the add-in
(seems likely) or database stored procedures, or some combination or ???
Maybe this will lead me to a manual solution.
I have reinstalled and reenabled several times in both 2003 and 2007, no luck.
There must be something simple I am missing.
I have applied the SP4 to 2003 BCM. No change.
Your help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Correct Problem Definition is 50% of the Solution ...
Have reinstalled and have looked in Tools/Trusted for the BCM add-in. No luck.
I tried to manually add bcmms32.dll by copying it to the add-in folder add
selecting it from tools/trusted/add - does not work.
I have some of the BCM system but no menus, forms, or reports, etc. What I
do have is A BCM folder in email. A BCM group in Contacts. I cannot add any
of my own folders.
Could this be a licensing issue? I have 2007 Enterprise. Or a corrupt
media issue?
How do you get replacement medis or download something other than a
trail/demo that will allow permanent installation and licensing?
Any more ideas?
Correct Problem Definition is 50% of the Solution ...
Could you please go to Tools | Trust Center | Add-ins and see what category
Business Contact Manager for outlook is in?
I presume it'll be in the inactive application add-ins. Click the Go button
on the dialog. A new dialog will pop up. Check box next to business contact
manager and restart outlook.
Vinit [MSFT]
OK John I am going forward but not up yet. I was able to add a database. I
restarted Outlook but I still do not have a BCM menu to work from in the
Outlook tree. I do have a BCMMS32.dll in system32.
How do I get the BCM menus to come up.
Also, why did this not happening automatically? I am looking at deploying
in our office in about a week - hopefully.
Thanks. Don't stop helping me yet.
Correct Problem Definition is 50% of the Solution ...
Interesting. Before you try to uninstall / re-install BCM, have tried
looking in Outlook 2007's Data File Management page (under the "File" menu)?
If BCM is not already added, see if you can add it to the store.
Next, probably try to uninstall / re-install BCM. It would fix issues most
of the time.
For not overlooking the obvious -- did you restart Outlook after installing
BCM? BCM won't be functioning until the next time Outlook is launched...
just checking.

John Huang [MSFT]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
On Sep 14, 8:23 pm, dpminusa <
[email protected]>