BCM Installation problem upgrading from Office 2003 to Office 2007

Feb 1, 2007
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Hi all,

I am having a problem accessing BCM after I just upgraded from Office 2003 Small Business Edition to Office 2007 Small Business Edition. Outlook 2007 seems to be working fine, but the BCM functionality is totally missing. There is no Business Contact Manager listed on the menubar, nor is there anyway to access my Business Contacts or Accounts.

I have checked to see that "BCM is enabled" through the Start/Programs/Enable Business Contact Manager" menu and it claims that it is enabled.

One troubleshooting article from Microsoft pointed me to the idea of checking the Tools/Trust Center and clicking on COM Add-ins to enable BCM. This seemed to be on the right track because BCM was listed as "disabled" in this list. But enabling it and restarting Outlook did not seem to work, and going back to the Trust Center showed that BCM was again disabled.

In addition, I noticed that irisms32.dll was disabled, and after googling, realized that this was BCM's dll. I tried to enable it as well and restart Outlook, but when I came back into Outlook, again it was disabled.

Any help would be appreciated. I run my business on BCM, and right now I have no way of accessing my contacts, or my notes on my contacts, which I need as soon as possible.

Thanks for your help.

BCM dll problem form BCM 03 to 07 upgrade


I am having the exact same problem. Same with my business.

Ever find a fix?

I plan to reload form the disc, but do not have access away from work.
