BCM error can not install product

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Have Windows XP home edition running on my machine, Then did an upgrade to Office Small Business 2003, after that tried to install BCM, but I accidnetally aborted durig instalation. Now when I go to install it, I get an error message that reads "Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and set up error logs for more info" What does this mean and what do I need to do about it in order to now install BCM?
Look for the folder \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$MicrosoftBCM.
If you find it, delete it, and then rerun setup.

More BCM answers at http://www.slipstick.com/bcm/bcmfaq.aspx

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Have Windows XP home edition running on my machine, Then did an upgrade to
Office Small Business 2003, after that tried to install BCM, but I
accidnetally aborted durig instalation. Now when I go to install it, I get
an error message that reads "Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to
the server error logs and set up error logs for more info" What does this
mean and what do I need to do about it in order to now install BCM?