My desk has been beaten to a pulp by my forehead over this.
In my page's codebehind, IntelliSense recognizes the Methods in my homegrown
Class. That tells me the Imports directive is finding the Class in the
specified Namespace and that the Methods and Class are Public. The Methods
are actually Public Shared.
* If I do a simple Build => Build Page it succeeds.
* If I do a Build => Rebuild Web Site (or Build => Build Web Site) every one
of my references to Methods in the Class get flagged with "BC30456:
'<method>' is not a member of '<class>'."
It doesn't matter if I'm using VWD from a workstation editing the site via
HTTP or locally on the server as a filesystem project as Administrator.
I've checked and rechecked the FP extensions, recalculated the web, ran
aspnet_regiis -i and -r (I'm using version 2.0.50727 if it matters),
consulted a weegie board and several psychiatrists (in addition to my
physician for several "prescription" refills) with no luck (except the
"prescriptions" bit, that is -- feeling a little better, thank you). Figured
it was time to call in the experts here.
I (and my so-called physician) would really appreciate it if somebody here
would come up with a solution. Any help?
In my page's codebehind, IntelliSense recognizes the Methods in my homegrown
Class. That tells me the Imports directive is finding the Class in the
specified Namespace and that the Methods and Class are Public. The Methods
are actually Public Shared.
* If I do a simple Build => Build Page it succeeds.
* If I do a Build => Rebuild Web Site (or Build => Build Web Site) every one
of my references to Methods in the Class get flagged with "BC30456:
'<method>' is not a member of '<class>'."
It doesn't matter if I'm using VWD from a workstation editing the site via
HTTP or locally on the server as a filesystem project as Administrator.
I've checked and rechecked the FP extensions, recalculated the web, ran
aspnet_regiis -i and -r (I'm using version 2.0.50727 if it matters),
consulted a weegie board and several psychiatrists (in addition to my
physician for several "prescription" refills) with no luck (except the
"prescriptions" bit, that is -- feeling a little better, thank you). Figured
it was time to call in the experts here.
I (and my so-called physician) would really appreciate it if somebody here
would come up with a solution. Any help?