BBC ... please note


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
There is no such bird as a, Seagull, none!

There are Gulls, there are Sea Birds, but there are NO bloody Seagulls, OK!!

you are letting the side down, don't you know. :rolleyes:
Been telling my friends and family that very thing for years. :thumb:

Many were incredulous when they looked in the Birdbook.
I think it is a generic word meant to cover Gulls and other sundry sea and off shore birds as known by mariners as sh### hawks
Then, the BBC should know better than to use 'generic' terms when describing anything that has a specific name.

If you want to be 'generic' then use the term, Sea going Bird. :)
Pedantic? Moi? ;)

The English language evolves and as most folk call a whole bunch of birds 'seagulls' it's probably only a matter of time before the term ends up as a new entry in the annual update of the country's official dictionary.

Just have a cup of coffee and chill mon ami :)
Rhymes with SEAGULL
annul, mogul, numskull, pas seul

On an unrelated note... :fool:

Is there a critter more annoying than the urbanized herring gull? Ahem... no there isn't.

I don't know which ones are more annoying: the parents, schitt-bombing all passers-by within a mile of their offspring... or the offspring 'emselves, sounding like wheelbarrows with busted wheel bearings.

What on earth was Charles Darwin thinking? :lol:
Well, the Herring Gull is on the Birds Red List of endangered birds and have suffered a 50% decline over the past 30 years.

We ate all their fish! so now they eat our chips. :)
You know... maybe they all came here. Together with them (add expletives, PLENTY of expletives here) barnacle geese.

Well, if the Herring Gulls have all left the UK for Finland they have been more than replaced by Canada Geese. Pesky birds are everywhere.
