BBC iPlayer !


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone tried this out . I just got me invite today and am downloading me first prog . Was easy to set up . Could be a winner , I'll have to see what programs its offering .
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I've been looking forward to this for a while, I didn't realise it had gone public yet :D

Just applied to the beta now :thumb:
applied for it the other day.

first down point was that it didnt work in firefox :(

and then when i tried to download a show "sorry we are having a technical issue please try later"

Then i gave up.

And then when i rebooted i noticed the bbc iplayer library had added itself to the "start at bootup" list without asking me and I dont want it starting then, I changed it though.

The program isn't that nie to use its a bit slow and i dont understand why you cant download shows fomr within the program...

I would love for it to work well so i could watch those shows that i have missed but at the moment i think it needs more work
downloaded this yesterday and installed it or so i thought, when i try to download a show it keeps telling me to install the damn player ?!

gonna have a bit more of a play with but am also annoyed that it don't work with FF
Downloaded a show yesterday . It wont let me play it though says I do not have a licence . Wont let me download anything today as it says I do not have a media player . I have everything set up as per their instructions .
What a waste of my licence fee and my time . Still all these folk must have gone to university and done loads of It courses so they must know what they are doing right . Yeah right my arse more overpaid dummies on the BBC payrole paid for by decent folk . Tossers the lot of them . :mad::(
Taken from the official BBC site today

Check your computer meets these minimum requirements

  • Windows XP operating system *
  • Minimum 500Mb (RAM) memory
  • Internet Explorer 6 browser (or later)
  • Windows Media Player 10 (or later)
  • A video and sound card capable of playing high quality streamed or downloaded programmes
  • JavaScript, ActiveX and Cookies are all enabled
  • A high speed broadband internet connection
Why am I posting this ? Well heres my e-mail ,

Comment:} 14 hours to download a 80min programe and now it tells me I
do not have a licence to view . I run XP Pro with all the updates , my
media player is set to automatically get new licences . I can't
re-download cos your stupid software tells me I do not have a media
player . What a waste of money and time .

Heres their reply,

Thank you for your email regarding BBC iPlayer Beta.

I understand from reading your email that you are experiencing problems with Licence Delivery Errors.

Please follow the directions below which are designed to resolve the problem you have had.

Please take the following three steps:
1. Delete the television programme from your BBC iPlayer Library, if it is there.
2. Make sure that your PC is running Internet Explorer 7 and Windows Media Player 11. If you need to upgrade to this then please reboot your machine afterwards. If you are sure your PC already has WMP11 and IE7 then take the next step
3. Go to and click on the ‘Upgrade’ button.

Hopefully this will resolve the problem for you, however if you continue to experience problems please do not hesitate to contact us again.


BBC iPlayer Beta Support

Are all these muppets working for the same company . Thats the one that you me and loads of other folk are paying for . What a load of expensive crap . These overpaid morons couldn't run a **** up in a brewery .

No worky in Firefox.....No thanks. :rolleyes: