BBC iPlayer (again)


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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No posts on this since early April. Anyone use it regularly? And anyone having problems watching programmes?

I've used it a few times but have been somewhat disappointed that the programme keeps stopping and then restarting after several seconds. I managed to put up with it until tonight when I tried to watch Top Gear from last night. I've had to switch it off tonight as it will only run for about 20 seconds and then it freezes for 30 to 40 seconds. At this rate it will take about 3 hours to watch a 1 hour programme. :wall:

I wondered if there are any adjustable settings that might imrove matters but I can't find any.

The idea of iPlayer is great but in practice it just seems almost hopeless when it's in this mood.
Have had my fill of it now, tried watching some of glastonbury but quality was poor and it stops as you say then starts again.

I know its nothing to do with my streaming speed as i get about 13MBs, i think its just buggy and crap.
Odd, i watch the whole of topgear today and it didn't buffer once.....
Just watched Doctor Who and had no problems at all, watched Top Gear earlier this evening and the same no problems whatsoever..
Watched Top Gear last night and had no probs with it (we must have all seen it at the same time ;)).

It does sound like a buffering problem, so instead of playing the clip why not download it instead :) There should be an option to do this and it lets you play it for 30 days after you download.
Okay, yurns out i didn't ever have hardware acceleration enabled. Is working fine now.
Waynos_Face said:
have hardware acceleration enabled.

Hang on ! What's this? And how do I know if mine's on or off, high or low, up or down or whatever? Maybe this is the answer. :nod:

Can anyone advise?
You can enable it in the graphics cards setting on nvidia control panel, there is a box in the settings for iplayer as well but mine wouldn't tick until i had enabled it in the control panel.
You can now stream programs with Linux but not download.

... it will only run for about 20 seconds and then it freezes for 30 to 40 seconds ...
you need a 1Tbit ISP connection. ;)

Madxgraphics said:
I use Zattoo...Much better than BBCi

Can I assume that it's safe?

And can I watch programmes from earlier in the week?
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yes this happend to me twice last night ,the clip would stop for no reason at all.

Don,t like the new beta look for the bbc old one was good.

Then again itv one is very poor and you have to sit there watching mini clips.