
  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank Bohan
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Frank Bohan

This one is a definite keeper.

<quote> Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner detects a multitude of spyware,
adware, trojan, keylogger, foistware and trackware components; sources of
irritation that antivirus software does not deal with. The scanning process
will only take about two seconds and tell you how to uninstall the invasive
threat using simple step-by-step instructions or put you in contact with the
vendor for the most up-to-date and safe uninstall instructions. </quote>


Frank Bohan
¶ As easy as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716
Does the program actually work?

Or is it in fact a spyware installer, that scans for actively running
spyware detection software and kills it so its installation is not

Hmmm - Nah, gonna stay away from it.

Somtime near Tue, 27 Jul 2004 15:44:17 -0400, Shane