Than you all for help. William, do you know any tool, which can batch open
DOC files and save them in .RTF format (in one process) ? Or do you know
exact converter, which can make that job ?
It's something which can be done via macros. That's why you should ask
such questions in a Winword related group. Anyhow, I do it with the
following code:
Sub SaveAsRtf()
Dim sFName As String
sFName = ActiveDocument.FullName
If ActiveDocument.SaveFormat = wdFormatDocument And _
Right(sFName, 4) = ".doc" Then
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=Left(sFName, Len(sFName) - 4) & _
".rtf", FileFormat:=wdFormatRTF
End If
If Application.Documents.Count = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Using the command line parameter /m for Winword you could either create
a 'Shell\Convert' shortcut for *.doc files (inside the registry):
"[PTW]\winword.exe" /mSaveAsRtf "%1"
or make a touch-to-Rtf batch:
for %%i in (*.doc) do [PTW]\winword.exe /mSaveAsRtf "%%i"
Replace [PTW] with the path to your Winword executable in both cases. ;-)