with irfanview, how to resize automatically multiple jpeg without
seeing/using interface, just by a fast drag&drop (or context menu)
launching ?
the following instructioons may sound complicated but it's all very easy once
you've done it a few times ..
select 'file' > 'batch conversion/rename' and navigate your way to the folder in
click the images you want and select 'add' or choose 'add all' or shift click
whichever files and add (any number of ways to do this stuff) then select and
output directory. Hint: don't overwrite the existing files in case you stuff
something up.. create another folder to output the images instead.
Next select the output format (jpeg) and under options set the quality, check
the 'use advanced options' and click the 'set advanced options' box.
Next you'll check the 'resize' box and set new size to one axis proportion (lets
say you want 800 pixels) set that to 800 and make sure the 'preserve aspect
ratio' is checked. <<note that if you have both portrait and landscape formats,
it's worth while seperating these into seperate folders so you can set each
appropriate axis specification accordingly, in this instance after you've
completed the batch process of setting the long edge of the portrait ones to 800
and allowed the process to happen, you'd go to the landscape images folder and
repeat the process>>
Use whatever 'other options' settings you want at the same time then hit ok.
back in the 'Batch conversion' dialogue box hit 'start' and once the progs done
it's tricks (ever so quickly!), go have a look at the resulting output files to
make sure they're satisfactory
Note that those advanced 'other options' settings should be manually preset by
going into the effects browser beforehand and setting them. This is done in the
following way - hit 'Ctrl - E' when you have an image loaded, this brings up the
3Image Effects filter settings box. Click each filter and set the parameters
Hope all this helps