G'day JD. I don't know anything about Dell Image Expert, or why you
G'day Colin (and the rest of the world
Your comment about batch resizing reminded me that I would *really*
like a batch cropping tool.
Perhaps impossible (I know naught of graphics formats) but maybe it
can be done, at least in theory if not yet (ever?) in practice.
Given a large set of "identical" images (that is, they all have the
same general format but differ in contained detail -- imagine a camera
on a fixed stand taking photos of a street scene every so often and
you'll get the "picture") I would like to be able to set up a batch
job to edit the files (JPEGs probably, perhaps GIFs too) and crop them
to the same set of specified coordinates within the image (say the
rectangle contained within 45,25/650,410 pixels or whatever from the
bottom left corner for example).
Anyone know if such exists, or is ever likely to?
Cheers, Phred.
Seconded for Irfanview
If you also want to do batch resizing, check out Mihov Image Resizer
(free) from www.mihov.com/eng/ (it also has its own site now at
G'day Colin (and the rest of the world

Your comment about batch resizing reminded me that I would *really*
like a batch cropping tool.
Perhaps impossible (I know naught of graphics formats) but maybe it
can be done, at least in theory if not yet (ever?) in practice.
Given a large set of "identical" images (that is, they all have the
same general format but differ in contained detail -- imagine a camera
on a fixed stand taking photos of a street scene every so often and
you'll get the "picture") I would like to be able to set up a batch
job to edit the files (JPEGs probably, perhaps GIFs too) and crop them
to the same set of specified coordinates within the image (say the
rectangle contained within 45,25/650,410 pixels or whatever from the
bottom left corner for example).
Anyone know if such exists, or is ever likely to?
Cheers, Phred.