batch file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aaron
  • Start date Start date


FOR /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/" %%a in ('date /t') do set vl=%%a%%b%%c
md "%vl%"

this would create a folder named Tue 05042004
how can i get rid of the "Tue " part?
i want the folder to be just 05042004

Note the space after the slash in delims=
tokens 1-4 instead of 1-3
b,c,d instead of a,b,c

FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set vl=%%b%%c%%d
md %vl%

I would probably reverse the order and use =%%d%%c%%b yearmonthday so that
sorting works better.
FOR /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/" %%a in ('date /t') do set vl=%%a%%b%%c
md "%vl%"

this would create a folder named Tue 05042004
how can i get rid of the "Tue " part?
i want the folder to be just 05042004

Try the Mount/\Command GetLogDate, part of the FREE
Advanced Command Library (ntlib.cmd). GetLogDate
CONSISTENTLY returns yyyymmdd and saves this value
in variable %#LogDate%. For details, see



In your specific case, the syntax would be:

%.GetLogDate% %.Silent%
MD %#LogDate:~4,4%%#LogDate:~0,4%



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