Batch File Without 'DOS Box'


M and D

[Windows XP Home SP 2]

I wrote a batch file which executes correctly, but it briefly flashes that black 'DOS box' when it runs. (I know 'DOS box' isn't the proper name, but I don't know what the proper name is.) How can I get the batch to run without displaying that DOS box?

Sorry if this is a little OT, but many thanks for your help.



Try running your batch file from the CMD prompt,
Instead of the Start - Run line.


One thing money can't buy,
The wagging tail of a dog

[Windows XP Home SP 2]

I wrote a batch file which executes correctly, but it briefly flashes that
black 'DOS box' when it runs. (I know 'DOS box' isn't the proper name, but I
don't know what the proper name is.) How can I get the batch to run without
displaying that DOS box?

Sorry if this is a little OT, but many thanks for your help.



M said:
[Windows XP Home SP 2]

I wrote a batch file which executes correctly, but it briefly flashes that black 'DOS box' when it runs. (I know 'DOS box' isn't the proper name, but I don't know what the proper name is.) How can I get the batch to run without displaying that DOS box?

Sorry if this is a little OT, but many thanks for your help.

Are you running the batch file via a shortcut? If so, right-click on the
shortcut, select Properties, and change the "Run:" entry to Minimized.

If you're typing the batch file name into Start>Run, then having the
batch file run minimized will require your setting up a custom DOS
session environment in the registry...


M and D

Actually I'm double-clicking on the icon, but I can try it as a shortcut.

"Custom DOS session environment"...hmm. Sounds a little too deep for me.


mhc said:
M said:
[Windows XP Home SP 2]

I wrote a batch file which executes correctly, but it briefly flashes that black 'DOS box' when it runs. (I know 'DOS box' isn't the proper name, but I don't know what the proper name is.) How can I get the batch to run without displaying that DOS box?

Sorry if this is a little OT, but many thanks for your help.

Are you running the batch file via a shortcut? If so, right-click on the
shortcut, select Properties, and change the "Run:" entry to Minimized.

If you're typing the batch file name into Start>Run, then having the
batch file run minimized will require your setting up a custom DOS
session environment in the registry...


Ron Martell

M and D said:
Actually I'm double-clicking on the icon, but I can try it as a shortcut.

"Custom DOS session environment"...hmm. Sounds a little too deep for me.


Right-click on the icon, select Properties and go to the Program tab.
In the Run box change the "Normal Window" to "Minimized".

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."

M and D

Hi Ron:

I need to say that there's more to the story than would appear from my original post, and the issue has since been resolved. Many thanks to you and the others who took the time to help me out. I truly appreciate it.


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