batch file to delete reg keys

May 15, 2006
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hey guyz

i need a batch file to delete 2 registry entries

could sum1 write one for me or help me heavily in writing it?

these are the instructions which im given for this particular problem:

"-Click Start button
-Click Run
-Type "Regedit" without the quotes
-Locate the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" node
-Followed by the "SYSTEM" node
-Followed by the "CurrentControlSet" node
-Followed by the "Control" node
-Followed by the "Class" node
-Locate & Click on "{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"

to the right panel look for the 'UpperFilters' and 'LowerFilters' keys.. and delete them.
Note: sometimes both are not there.. it can be one or the other. In either case delete any instances of it.
Windows upon reboot, will recreate those files fresh.


so basically i need a batch file that will delete those 2 reg entries and also reboot the machine.

the reason i need a batch file (or similar automation) is due to the fact that i need to do this on many machines, and it would be easier to do it automated (so i can just put it on a USB key and double click it) rather than carrying around the instructions in my pocket or in a txt file on the usb key.

i know that you can write a .reg file that can then be imported via a batch file (which is mainly what i need to do), but i just cant figure out how to write the .reg properly, and its probably not safe to do it if i dont know how (after IS the registry :P)

it would be much appreciated.

feckit said:
If your going to do this on many pc's do you have the admin rights to do so?

yea, its at my workplace (im a techie at PCWorld, also a techie in my own business)

basically this reg fix is designed to fix a cd problem ive been getting on many customers PCs which basically gives them a code 41 regardless of what CD drive is in there (internal/external, cdrw/dvdrw etc)
This is a known issue that can occur when you remove Easy CD Creator version 5.01 or earlier or DirectCD version 3.01c or earlier. This issue may also occur with Easy CD Creator version 5.01 and with DirectCD 3.01d or later.

Simple solution ... don't install the crap software in the first place. ;)

Found below here

To remove an individual item from the registry, place the minus sign after the equal sign: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\DummyTree] "ValueToBeRemoved"=- will remove the individual value "ValueToBeRemoved" from "DummyTree".

Hope it's of some use :)

