I have googled but can't seem to find an example of a batch file that would
automate the process of clicking the "Next" and "Finish" radio buttons of
an application's setup installation wizard. The application is being
installed from a batch file.
The Application's setup wizard cannot be bypassed by installing from the
cmd line with any switches, ie; /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES, do not work
and they are the correct switches for the installer.
The wizard is embedded pascal code in the setup.exe and I would rather not
mess with the scripting.
The application's install wizard defaults are what I want. I just need to
click two "next" buttons and a "finish" button with no user present.
Is this possible? If so, do you have some advice or links?
Thank you
automate the process of clicking the "Next" and "Finish" radio buttons of
an application's setup installation wizard. The application is being
installed from a batch file.
The Application's setup wizard cannot be bypassed by installing from the
cmd line with any switches, ie; /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES, do not work
and they are the correct switches for the installer.
The wizard is embedded pascal code in the setup.exe and I would rather not
mess with the scripting.
The application's install wizard defaults are what I want. I just need to
click two "next" buttons and a "finish" button with no user present.
Is this possible? If so, do you have some advice or links?
Thank you