What is current thinking about batch conversion of Outlook Express
messages to PDF files?
I'm crawling through the links on the page noted here:
Converting Messages and Calendars
Here are some thoughts on problems:
1. Export to / Impoft from Outlook Express --> Outlook loses subfolder
structure. All you've got are emails by dates (unless you import by
individual subfolders)
2. DBXtract loses tree structure as well (though does save messages in
dbx folders) and doesn't handle attachments.
3. Nothing I've seen retains the timestamp of the original message, so
the resulting .eml (or .pdf) files can't be sorted by relevant date,
only by name
4. Adobe PDFMaker will handle attachments to Outlook emails, but only
for supported applications (which are pretty limited but does include
Microsoft Office).
I've got Adobe Acrobat 8 professional, if that helps.
Thank you in advance for your help.
-- Roy Zider
What is current thinking about batch conversion of Outlook Express
messages to PDF files?
I'm crawling through the links on the page noted here:
Converting Messages and Calendars
Here are some thoughts on problems:
1. Export to / Impoft from Outlook Express --> Outlook loses subfolder
structure. All you've got are emails by dates (unless you import by
individual subfolders)
2. DBXtract loses tree structure as well (though does save messages in
dbx folders) and doesn't handle attachments.
3. Nothing I've seen retains the timestamp of the original message, so
the resulting .eml (or .pdf) files can't be sorted by relevant date,
only by name
4. Adobe PDFMaker will handle attachments to Outlook emails, but only
for supported applications (which are pretty limited but does include
Microsoft Office).
I've got Adobe Acrobat 8 professional, if that helps.
Thank you in advance for your help.
-- Roy Zider