I was wondering what the best way to do this would be. I
want to create table(s) to store data that already exists
in tab-delimited files. Each file has ~1000 rows with 2
fields. 1 field is a short string and the other an int.
There are ~100 of these files and each file shares the
string field (i.e. the string field could be a key).
My question is: is it better to create 1 large table that
would have ~100 fields that are named based on the file
name (so basically a 100 x 1000 table), or should each
file's data be in it's own table then the tables could be
connected by their shared field (the string) or even just
an SQL join or something of the sort.
want to create table(s) to store data that already exists
in tab-delimited files. Each file has ~1000 rows with 2
fields. 1 field is a short string and the other an int.
There are ~100 of these files and each file shares the
string field (i.e. the string field could be a key).
My question is: is it better to create 1 large table that
would have ~100 fields that are named based on the file
name (so basically a 100 x 1000 table), or should each
file's data be in it's own table then the tables could be
connected by their shared field (the string) or even just
an SQL join or something of the sort.