Here are some links with info on UAC.
Inside Windows Vista User Account Control (Mark Russinovich)
Jesper Johansson's Blog
Why is Windows Vista always asking for my permission: An explanation of UAC
(User Account Control) by
MVP Jimmy Brush
Windows Vista User Account Control Step by Step Guide (TechNet)
Vista does things differently then XP. One issue that seems to confuse
users is that Vista keeps certain folders for use by legacy apps, such as
Documents and Settings, but doesn't store data there. These folders are
junctions that contain a pointer to the actual folder in Vista that contains
the data. There is no need to access them. The only appear if you have
changed the view settings to show hidden folders and display operating
system files. They appear as a faded folder with the shortcut arrow, and
when you try to open them it gives an Access denied message.
If you want to see what folder it points to, open a elevated command prompt,
navigate to the folder that contains the folder in question and give the
dir /al
Junction points are designated by <Junction> and the folder to which it
points is at the end of the line in square brackets. Do not change the
permissions on these junction points. It can cause problems for the same
legacy apps they are they for in the first place.
From a post by Jimmy Brush here is a list of the these XP folders and their
corresponding locations in Vista:
Windows XP Location Windows Vista Location
\Documents and Settings \Users
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents \Users\$USER$\Documents
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents\My Music \Users\$USER$\Music
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents\My Pictures
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents\My Videos
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Application Data
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Cookies
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\NetHood
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\PrintHood
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Recent
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\SendTo
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Start Menu
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Templates
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\Application Data
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\History
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
\Documents and Settings\All Users \ProgramData
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data \ProgramData
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop \Users\Public\Desktop
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents \Users\Public\Documents
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favorites \Users\Public\Favorites
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates
\Documents and Settings\Default User \Users\Default "