(apologies if this gets posted twice, the first didn't go through after a
....hoping someone can help someone still new to vb.net 2005 with something
new to him.
....been successfully using the regular expression validators from the
toolbox, but now I have need to do something strictly with code.
....need to determine if a stored string matches a stored regular expression.
....not sure what to search under for an example to give me a starting point.
I can figure out the actual expression syntax and the rest if someone can
get me started.
e.g., something along these lines
dim myregex as new regex
if mystoredstring = regex then
end if
....hoping someone can help someone still new to vb.net 2005 with something
new to him.
....been successfully using the regular expression validators from the
toolbox, but now I have need to do something strictly with code.
....need to determine if a stored string matches a stored regular expression.
....not sure what to search under for an example to give me a starting point.
I can figure out the actual expression syntax and the rest if someone can
get me started.
e.g., something along these lines
dim myregex as new regex
if mystoredstring = regex then
end if