I have asked this before,and I didn't get answer, I guess I didn't properly
explain self
I have a domain model in which the lower component-Channel- in the hierarchy
can be replaced
at run time,using reflection
The problem which I faced is that different type of Channel expect different
set of properties
and I would like not to us a HASH table or a collection,
The properties are being loaded by the application into the application
I am looking for a way to easily replace the channel,and the application
and to notify the channel when one of its properties was changed.
Thanks in advance
I have asked this before,and I didn't get answer, I guess I didn't properly
explain self
I have a domain model in which the lower component-Channel- in the hierarchy
can be replaced
at run time,using reflection
The problem which I faced is that different type of Channel expect different
set of properties
and I would like not to us a HASH table or a collection,
The properties are being loaded by the application into the application
I am looking for a way to easily replace the channel,and the application
and to notify the channel when one of its properties was changed.
Thanks in advance