Basic Layout and Design Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter .:RoKsTaR:.
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Hello again :) I should have bookmarked my last thread so I could add to it :P

Here goes again ;)

Ok this is what I have so far :) How's it look?

address - addressid, address, city, province, postalcode
phone- phoneid, phonenum, extension, phlocation
email - emailid email, emailLocation
webidentity – webidentityid, imaccount1, imaccount2, twitter, facebook,
linkedin, website

people – peopleid, firstname, lastname
people_address – id, peopleid, addressed
people_phone – id, peopleid, phoneid
people_email – id, peopleid, emailed
people_webidentity – id, peopled, webidentityid
relation – id, peopleid, peopleid
student – id, peopleid, lessonday, gender, age, status
guardian – id, peopleid, relationship, primarycontact (this is a yes or no

Notes on this table:
I'm a music teacher who teaches an average of 50 students at a time. I'm
trying to build a database track contact info, invoice students, and track
attendance. I'm starting off with the contact portion of the database and
once that is done I'll move on to the rest.

Your [student] table raises some questions, but the rest look pretty good.

When ever I see [age] as a field, I wonder if you're willing to go back
through your table every day or so and update that field to reflect their

Also, I question [lessonday] and [status] as attributes of a person who is a
student. Will you never have more than one of these sets per student? If
you do, how do you distinguish one record from another?

(a bit more info, please...)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer
I'm gonna change it to DOB but have a function to calculate by the date
entered whether the student is a child, adult, or teen. For adults, I'll
just enter a generic date like 01/01/1992 so they don't need to give me their
info unless they want too ;)

Status distinguishes between current or retired student
Lesson Day just tells me which day their lesson is on. This changes
throughout the year for some students depending on their schedule

Jeff Boyce said:
Your [student] table raises some questions, but the rest look pretty good.

When ever I see [age] as a field, I wonder if you're willing to go back
through your table every day or so and update that field to reflect their

Also, I question [lessonday] and [status] as attributes of a person who is a
student. Will you never have more than one of these sets per student? If
you do, how do you distinguish one record from another?

(a bit more info, please...)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer

.:RoKsTaR:. said:
Hello again :) I should have bookmarked my last thread so I could add to
it :P

Here goes again ;)

Ok this is what I have so far :) How's it look?

address - addressid, address, city, province, postalcode
phone- phoneid, phonenum, extension, phlocation
email - emailid email, emailLocation
webidentity - webidentityid, imaccount1, imaccount2, twitter, facebook,
linkedin, website

people - peopleid, firstname, lastname
people_address - id, peopleid, addressed
people_phone - id, peopleid, phoneid
people_email - id, peopleid, emailed
people_webidentity - id, peopled, webidentityid
relation - id, peopleid, peopleid
student - id, peopleid, lessonday, gender, age, status
guardian - id, peopleid, relationship, primarycontact (this is a yes or no

Notes on this table:
I'm a music teacher who teaches an average of 50 students at a time. I'm
trying to build a database track contact info, invoice students, and track
attendance. I'm starting off with the contact portion of the database and
once that is done I'll move on to the rest.


I'm gonna change it to DOB but have a function to calculate by the date
entered whether the student is a child, adult, or teen.

Agegroup: IIF(DateDiff("yyyy", [DOB], Date()) < 13, "Child", DateDiff("yyyy",
[DOB], Date()) < 20, "Teen", "Adult")

should do it...