I want to sub class the datagrid class in order to create a datagrid that would not allow column resizing. I had a problem with some columns not appearing in my new class so in order to diagnose I removed all of the code from the new class just leaving the following
Public Class chotsGri
Inherits DataGri
End Clas
I assumed that chotsGrid would perform identically to DataGrid, but it doesn't. If I use the DataGrid class in my code all works fine, if I simply change the reference to chotsGrid then some of my columns don't appear. What basic concept am I missing here
Public Class chotsGri
Inherits DataGri
End Clas
I assumed that chotsGrid would perform identically to DataGrid, but it doesn't. If I use the DataGrid class in my code all works fine, if I simply change the reference to chotsGrid then some of my columns don't appear. What basic concept am I missing here