basic home networking



Hi, I am new to this and would like to know how to
network 2 pc's in my home. I have a RJ45? cable and a
network card. Where do i look on my 2 pc's for the
correct software set=-up? One PC is Win98SE the other is


You need a cross-over cable with RJ45 ends. Connect both
computers via this cable and you should be able to see
each other (assuming you've already set up your protocols

I recommend using NETBEUI as the primary protocol because
it's small and fast and you only have two computers.

Good luck.

Bob Willard

Ruben said:
I recommend using NETBEUI as the primary protocol because
it's small and fast and you only have two computers.

Interesting. Do you have any measurements of data rates on file
transfers across the net, via TCP/IP and via NetBEUI, that show
the effect of the difference?

Note to the OP: NetBEUI is on your XP CD if you have a retail or
OEM CD. However, if you only have a restore CD from the PC's
vendor, you will need to find NetBEUI files on the 'net somewhere.
Either way, if you want NetBEUI on your XP PC, follow the directions
(in one of the NetBEUI files) exactly, or the protocol will appear
to install but will not work.

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