I have read posts of people who say they have - the bios just does not know
what the cpu is and it has to be set manually - it just gives the mhz of the
cpu - so they say.
I have an A7V333 rev 2.0 & Barton 2500+ @ 14 x 168 (2353mhz) @ 1.85v
core - not much help I know
- but if you do go for a new Barton 2500+ be aware that the new ones have
the multiplier locked at 11x
Your mobo is 2.0, great mobo... mine is 1.02 :-(
Also my palomino is locked, I have lifted the bus from 133 to 164.
The pci is to 32.
I would like to put a barton 2800+ and to try to
lift the bus the most possible.