bare LF's

  • Thread starter Thread starter dljfnp
  • Start date Start date
Please explain under what circumstances are you seeing the bare
linefeed characters. How is it affecting you adversely?
I get this error when I forward a message as attachment. I get this error:

Subject'', Account: '', Server: '',
Protocol: SMTP, Server answer: '451 See', Port: 25, Security(SSL): No, server
error: 451, socket error: 10053, error number: 0x800CCC0F
Can you "forward" the email - NOT as an attachment May be your best bet
based on the information in the link provided in your error message . . . . . . . . I don't think this is
something "you" can fix. Are you using a work email? Are the OS and mail
system software current?
That error can be caused by interference from an antivirus program.
Which antivirus are you running?
As a minimum, email scanning in the antivirus should be turned off,
although that may not be sufficient to eliminate all bad effects.
In a worst case scenario, your antivirus may need to be uninstalled.

Email scanning in any antivirus should be disabled, for reasons
explained here: