I Bought a LCD monitor 17 " ( CM2017 ) in Walmart - Orland
- FL - USA in may 2005. The monitor freezes every time and the whit
screen appears. I can't send the monitor to technical assistance
because I live in Brazil and is too expensive to send it. Do you kno
what is the especification of the LCD main board? Where can I purchas
it ? How much is that
Thanks a lo
Carlos Caroli
I Bought a LCD monitor 17 " ( CM2017 ) in Walmart - Orland
- FL - USA in may 2005. The monitor freezes every time and the whit
screen appears. I can't send the monitor to technical assistance
because I live in Brazil and is too expensive to send it. Do you kno
what is the especification of the LCD main board? Where can I purchas
it ? How much is that
Thanks a lo
Carlos Caroli