Baking up files...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pascal
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I posted a similar message yesterday but I cannot see it
in the board, so here is my question again.

I am looking for a way of backing up files to an external
device. My files should remain on their original
location and when I press the button, only those files
that have been modified since my last back up should be

In DOS we could write batch files to that extent, but
that was too long ago and with win2000 I am a bit at a

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi all,

I posted a similar message yesterday but I cannot see it
in the board, so here is my question again.

I am looking for a way of backing up files to an external
device. My files should remain on their original
location and when I press the button, only those files
that have been modified since my last back up should be

In DOS we could write batch files to that extent, but
that was too long ago and with win2000 I am a bit at a

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Do an incrementail backup in NTBackup will do that.

See tip 2265 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.
In addition to the other reply, if you want to keep the same file structure
on the backup media, you could use robocopy from the resource kit (you can
download it from MS). You can include it in a batch file:

robocopy <source> <destination> /s /e /r:1 /w:1

and so forth - robocopy /??? will show you all the parameters.