I have lots of bad sectors and not even able to do a restore to a previous
restore point. I tried chkdsk/f but on restart it doesn't do the chkdsk. I
have a Vista repair disk and I ran the repair but I still have the sector
errors that prevent going to the previous restore point. What should I do?
You're talking apples and oranges. Going back to a restore point does
nothing to fix bad sectors.
What might be happening is the bad sectors are on your root (C drive)
and since you try to tell Vista to fix it AFTER you are already
running Windows they never get fixed since Windows is already in use
and the drive is locked.
The only way to fix bad sectors and other file system errors on your
root drive is do so BEFORE the system boots the operating system.
The procedure is:
1. From Windows Explorer locate your C folder, right click, properties
tools, then tools tab.
2. Under error checking click check now, then select automatically
fix file errors.
Since you are already in Windows the request will fail but Vista
should ask if you want to schedule it to run at next boot. Say yes,
then immediately reboot. You should see a pale blue screen that takes
three steps running right after you see your normal boot screens but
before Windows itself loads. This should correct the problem.
If it doesn't repeat steps 1-2 but also check scan for and attempt to
repair bad sectors. This can be a VERY slow process so best to do when
you don't need the PC for hours, like a long lunch or overnight.
If you still don't resolve check on Google for several how-to sites on
how to force more advanced uses of chkdsk from a command prompt using
different switch settings.
The good news is the NTFS is self repairing and can repair all but the
most severe file system problems. It just is getting it to do it