Bad picture after saving files

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Let me explain what has been going on.

I have a video or stream video from a Sony TRV340 Camera using USB. I open
up WMM2.1 and in the preview window everything looks like it should look.
Colors are right, contrast, etc. I start capture without any problems and I
walk through and save the video without any problems. I save the video using
the Video for Local Playback 2.1 option. Saves without any problems.

Now starts the problem. When I go to my saved file and double click on it
the picture looks horrible .. Very pixelated and getting ALOT of green,
black, yellow, red areas like it was encoded wrong or I am using a wrong
codec. I have not installed any other codecs other than the supports DivX
5.2 codec and the Windows Media 9 Codec Pack (pack download via a windows
update that was pushed). I have tried uninstalling the DivX 5.2 codec and
that didn't change anything at all. There is NO OTHER files that show this
problem. This is affecting ONLY files that I have created using WMM2.1.

Any ideas?
I am uncertain as to why you are having this problem but lets take a look at
some things.
Firewire is better to capture with than USB but since the playback in WMM is
fine that isn't likely to be the problem. Try saving with different settings
to see if you get different results. I suggest trying to save the video as a
DV-AVI clip and see what happens with that as it is the highest quality
setting available.
Report your results back and we can go from there, hopefully somebody else
has had this same issue and can offer some insight.