I've experienced this a couple times: whenever I have the problem of screen
saver stopping when I'm using my own photo folders for screen saver I've been
able to fix the problem through the process of elimination. I've found that
some of my photos stops screen savers. Screen saver stops on the "bad" photo
and displays it with about 10% opacity. When I remove the "bad" photo then
screen saver works fine. The "bad" photos were jpeg and bitmap. The "bad"
photos work in screen saver preview and Galley slideshow but stopin screen
saver. Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone know what causes this?
saver stopping when I'm using my own photo folders for screen saver I've been
able to fix the problem through the process of elimination. I've found that
some of my photos stops screen savers. Screen saver stops on the "bad" photo
and displays it with about 10% opacity. When I remove the "bad" photo then
screen saver works fine. The "bad" photos were jpeg and bitmap. The "bad"
photos work in screen saver preview and Galley slideshow but stopin screen
saver. Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone know what causes this?