Gwen Morse
I have a SATA drive with a bad MBR, and data on it that I'd very much
like to recover.
Windows Recovery will not run -- I need the SATA/RAID drivers in order
to get it to read the disk. They do not come on a normal XP disk. I've
tried slipstreaming them into a new XP disk. The slipstream disk boots
and shows the install process, and shows that it's loading the correct
drivers during the text mode. However, it still doesn't see any sata
drives connected when I choose "R" for recovery.
I have a laptop with an external drive connector with an adaptor for
SATA. So, I can plug the SATA drive into my laptop. I think the USB
drivers interface with the SATA and it works that way. The laptop has
Windows XP pro on it.
Is it possible to run some sort of utility or repair program that can
"fix" the MBR of my SATA drive, via an active session of Windows
(rather than using the repair disk, which is a sort of mini-version of
the OS that is missing those key drivers)???
Alternatively, is there some way to clone the SATA drive onto an IDE
drive, with some software that recognizes SATA _at least_ enough to go
through the clone process?
Gwen Morse mailto:[email protected]
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then
suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night,
the ice weasels come." -- Matt Groening
like to recover.
Windows Recovery will not run -- I need the SATA/RAID drivers in order
to get it to read the disk. They do not come on a normal XP disk. I've
tried slipstreaming them into a new XP disk. The slipstream disk boots
and shows the install process, and shows that it's loading the correct
drivers during the text mode. However, it still doesn't see any sata
drives connected when I choose "R" for recovery.
I have a laptop with an external drive connector with an adaptor for
SATA. So, I can plug the SATA drive into my laptop. I think the USB
drivers interface with the SATA and it works that way. The laptop has
Windows XP pro on it.
Is it possible to run some sort of utility or repair program that can
"fix" the MBR of my SATA drive, via an active session of Windows
(rather than using the repair disk, which is a sort of mini-version of
the OS that is missing those key drivers)???
Alternatively, is there some way to clone the SATA drive onto an IDE
drive, with some software that recognizes SATA _at least_ enough to go
through the clone process?
Gwen Morse mailto:[email protected]
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then
suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night,
the ice weasels come." -- Matt Groening