Jun 13, 2005
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my problem is a quantamm fireball 4 gig harddirve
i would just as soon trash it but it has files NEEDED by my client,
problem is she lives in a carpeted house and loves pajamas.(static damage)
she gave me the drive out of her machine, which she had replaced that day.

BIOS wont recognize the drive, at all.

please someone tell me there is a program that can get to it somehow.
operationg system not a problem cause i have boot cd's.
masterkeedu said:
my problem is a quantamm fireball 4 gig harddirve
i would just as soon trash it but it has files NEEDED by my client,
problem is she lives in a carpeted house and loves pajamas.(static damage)
she gave me the drive out of her machine, which she had replaced that day.

BIOS wont recognize the drive, at all.

please someone tell me there is a program that can get to it somehow.
operationg system not a problem cause i have boot cd's.
If the BIOS wont "see" it ... you are pretty much screwed.

The only alternative is someone like Disklabs ... Sponsor link on the right.
As mucks says, if your PC won't recognise the drive you're in a bit of trouble :( If you really need it, data recovery is probably the only way to go.

Might be worth trying it in her machine again, just incase?
sounds well and truly buggered, give it a try in her machine if it dont work give disklabs a try
disklabs...expensive and best left to her with a reference?
why are they so cool, what can they do that a collabaritive here, of the greatest minds in the world cannot.

p.s. please disregard any errs.
masterkeedu said:
disklabs...expensive and best left to her with a reference?
why are they so cool, what can they do that a collabaritive here, of the greatest minds in the world cannot.
Disklabs is a sponsor, 'tis why we recommend them first over another recovery lab ... all recovery is expensive.

Why can they 'fix' and we not ... we cannot take the HD to pieces and recover your data, they can. ;)
hmmm so if i could create a oxygen free enviroment for which to suspend the isolated platers, i could in theory spinthem up using a invccrediably acurate and precise drill, then once reaching 7200 rpms i coul use an old cassette deck to read the pits and lands right off the heads.

masterkeedu said:
hmmm so if i could create a oxygen free enviroment for which to suspend the isolated platers, i could in theory spinthem up using a invccrediably acurate and precise drill, then once reaching 7200 rpms i coul use an old cassette deck to read the pits and lands right off the heads.

Nope! you need a vacuum room. ;)

First thing they would do is replace the controller card ... they'll have one that works. :thumb:

wow, how many connnection from controller card to case,AND
are the connnections somewhat iuniversal
so that maybee....probly not but...
I could sodier in a replacement myself?
masterkeedu said:
wow, how many connnection from controller card to case,AND
are the connnections somewhat iuniversal
so that maybee....probly not but...
I could sodier in a replacement myself?
Find an exact match to the controller on the HD and you may get lucky ... that is, if it is indeed, the controller.


Why do you think the Pro's charge what they do.
Because they can..ignorance feeds the wealthy.

OK, im off to the junk heap for a salvageavble fireball controller
ill be sure to post the tragic or inspiring results
ok i have not found my hdd's soul mate unfortunately, but i have takn to examing my fried one.

20 PINS!!!!!!

4 phillip screws allow the whole card to be pulled from 20 solderless connectors
4 seem to be power and 16 pins aligned i guess are the data channel

I fully belive i can achieve recovery, tommorow im gonnsa go to the local college
and bother the prof. for and old qunatam.
hes always willing to barter.
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