Bad CD Repair Pro


Nicolaas Hawkins

Bad CD Repair Pro is a free software to rescue and backup data form a
damaged CD. It helps to restore and copy information of any type that
was at the risk of loss.

Dual Software

Bad CD Repair Pro allows to copy files from bad CD or HDD. If your text or
mp3 or any other type of file is corrupted then use Bad CD Repair to save

Main Bad CD Repair Pro features:

* Bad CD Repair Pro copies bad files from CD or HDD;
* Bad CD Repair Pro uses ASPI Driver. Thus it works with all versions
of Windows;
* Bad CD Repair Pro works with ISO and Juliet CD filesystems;
* Bad CD Repair Pro is written using Visual C++. Thus it fast and
* Bad CD Repair Pro has user friendly interface.

Current version: 4.06
Release date: November 21, 2005
Supported OS: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
Supported languages: English, Russian
Download: ZIP file (356 Kb)
*Price: 39.95*
</quote> (emphasis added)

*Free software? In a PIG'S ARSE it is!*

Take your commercial software and its spam and *JAM IT!*

Die duro fruere,

.... Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

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