


Using MSFT Wizard to backup my 'C' hard drive ...
What diff would it be if I backed up to mybackup-folder on 'C' drive or a
slave drive?

My 'C' drive has Gigomonguss huge free space

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

The whole point of a backup is that it is on a device that is NOT attached
to the PC so that if (and when) the hard drive fails, you have all your
information safe and secure.

If you have DVD burning software and hardware, you can create the file on
the c: drive and then use the software to create a series of DVDs with all
your data on them.


Since MSFT Wiz cant b/u to dvd-r whats the point of MSFT WIZ B/U?


Cari (MS-MVP) said:
The whole point of a backup is that it is on a device that is NOT attached
to the PC so that if (and when) the hard drive fails, you have all your
information safe and secure.

If you have DVD burning software and hardware, you can create the file on
the c: drive and then use the software to create a series of DVDs with all
your data on them.

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

To create a large file which your third party burning software CAN put on
optical disks.
Cari (MS-MVP)
Printing & Imaging

ponderxpo said:
Since MSFT Wiz cant b/u to dvd-r whats the point of MSFT WIZ B/U?


So then I could create a "MYBigfatCdrive-folder" on my C drive (my only
drive) backup it via Wiz-backup to the folder then backit up again to a an
optical burner.

But on optical images such as dvdr you cant backup MSFT software due to
copyrights. This a lousy situation if you had a custum build PC w/ special
added features.
All This crazyiness because MSFT cant figure a better way how to protect
there copyrights.

Anyway thanks your help


If you don't like DVD media - keep the backup on external hard drive or even


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