Brian Stewart
If this is not a problem for this group, could someone steer me to the right
one. -- I have just bought an external hard drive for backup purposes. Two
problems. (A) I can't find the Back-up procedure that I thought was on
Windows XP Home Edition. (b) When I try just copying the files to the new
hard drive I occasionally run into a notice to the effect that this file
can't be backed up because someone else, or some program, is already using
it. For instance, one such file is called "NTUser.dat." There are others.
Can anyone tell me if there is any way of getting around such files. -
Thanks, Brian.
one. -- I have just bought an external hard drive for backup purposes. Two
problems. (A) I can't find the Back-up procedure that I thought was on
Windows XP Home Edition. (b) When I try just copying the files to the new
hard drive I occasionally run into a notice to the effect that this file
can't be backed up because someone else, or some program, is already using
it. For instance, one such file is called "NTUser.dat." There are others.
Can anyone tell me if there is any way of getting around such files. -
Thanks, Brian.