Re: XP Home and want to automatically backup a couple of directories to a
storage directory on another PC for safekeeping.
Karen's Replicator is a good structure to use.
Also a batch file using xcopy works for directories. I send a directory to a
laptop in order to bring that whole file home to then repeat the process on
to another desktop.
from the desktop to the laptop on a home network puts a directory for safe
keeping while I do some database changes for example.
@Echo off
xcopy /e /v /y C:\"Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Msweeddoc"\
\\Laptop\"d on Laptop\FileDOC\Msweeddoc"\
The following worked on a udf (INCD) formatted cd but this CD format isn't
always totally dependable and I went back to using the CDR
I was really hoping this type of copy onto a CD would work out for easy use
in a small business office situation.
@Echo Off
xcopy /e /v /y C:\Documents E:\AlphaBackup\Documents
One really swift addition to the right click menu comes from:
copyToXP - "Move To / Copy To" Shell Extension Enabler v1.2
for Windows 2k/XP (not tested on earlier versions)
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