Backup Outlook Data File

  • Thread starter Thread starter McFarland
  • Start date Start date


I was in the habit of backing up my Outlook Data file using the "Tools",
"Manage Database", "Backup Database" method. I would back it up to a thumb
I recently purchased a new computer and reloaded my same version of Outlook.
I went to "file", "open" to access my old saved data. Oddly enough it
imported it, but as a second set of Personal Folders. That's ok with me, I
can deal with that. However, now that I want to backup my files again, the
option for "Manage Database" does not appear under Tools.
I read some of the help threads and didn't find BCM under "help" in order to
enable BCM. I also went to "file" "data file management" but didn't see it
there to "add" either. Any suggestions on how I can backup my files again?
You have to explicity install BCM, usually its on cd2 of the Office cd set.
The backup tool you were using was for the BCM database, and File>Open does
not reinstate your BCM database.
It doesnt in fact appear you were using BCM for its intended use,
previously. It is not required to install BCM to use outlook.
To backup outlook data its is only neccessary to copy the data files whilst
outlook is closed.
You have to explicity install BCM, usually its on cd2 of the Office cd set.
The backup tool you were using was for the BCM database, and File>Open does
not reinstate your BCM database.
It doesnt in fact appear you were using BCM for its intended use,
previously. It is not required to install BCM to use outlook.
To backup outlook data its is only neccessary to copy the data files whilst
outlook is closed.

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DL was right. McFarland, you confused me for a little while, because
you were saying that you backed up your "Outlook" data by using the
"Backup Database" method, but the "Backup Database" method is part of
BCM functionality, and the way you phrased it, you actually did not
back up "Outlook" data... you backed up "BCM" data.

Also, by going to the "Tools" menu to access the "Backup Database"
method, I think you are using Outlook 2003 and BCM 2003. If you were
using Outlook and BCM 2007, the menu name would have been "Business
Contact Manager", and that should have made things less confusing
(that you would know you are dealing with BCM functionaity, instead of
Outlook methods).