Backup Jobs & HDD Space

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Blackler
  • Start date Start date

Paul Blackler

Hi All

Q1. I am trying to find out about backup jobs that have
been setup in the past and what they do. The system is
2000 Server using normal MS Backup. What I want to do is
find out, ie get a listing of what is being backed up and
where to.

Q2. I would like to monitor HDD space on all the servers
by setting up a job that would email me daily at a set
time giving me the latest HDD storage specifications.
Is there a way that I can do this.

Many thanks and in anticipation of your kind help,


See below.

Paul Blackler said:
Hi All

Q1. I am trying to find out about backup jobs that have
been setup in the past and what they do. The system is
2000 Server using normal MS Backup. What I want to do is
find out, ie get a listing of what is being backed up and
where to.

You can examine existing jobs in the Task Scheduler. If
they have been deleted then you can retrieve them from
backup - the details are stored in %SystemRoot%\Tasks.

Q2. I would like to monitor HDD space on all the servers
by setting up a job that would email me daily at a set
time giving me the latest HDD storage specifications.
Is there a way that I can do this.

Excellent idea! Schedule a job on each server that launches
a batch file once each day or week, like so:

@echo off
set Logs=c:\Logs\Disk.log
if not exist c:\Logs md c:\Logs
set minimum=1000000000

for /F "tokens=3" %%a in ('dir c:\ /-c ^| find /i "bytes free"') do set
rem chkdsk c:\ 1>%temp%\disk.tmp 2>%temp%\disk.err
set Error=%ErrorLevel%

echo %ComputerName% %date% %time% > %Logs%
echo ================================== >> %Logs%
type %temp%\disk.tmp | find /i "total disk" >> %Logs%
type %temp%\disk.tmp | find /i "are available" >> %Logs%
if %Error% GTR 0 type c:\temp\disk.err >> %Logs%
if %free% GTR %minimum% goto :send
echo. >> %Logs%
echo Warning: Free disk space is less than %Minimum% bytes! >> %Logs%

.. . .

To send yourself an EMail you can use any number of
tools that are in the public domain, e.g. sendmail, mailto, blat.