Backup Ideas Needed




I have Vista Home Premium and 5 User Accounts for the family.

I was thinking of buying a second hard drive and have all users save their
files/documents to there.

I could then do a daily/weekly backup of that drive to an external hard
drive... nothing fancy - No Image/Compression just all the filers in their
original state will do me!

However, as all the accounts are password protected will there be a problem
if & when I backup to the external hard drive?

Debi :)


Debi said:

I have Vista Home Premium and 5 User Accounts for the family.

I was thinking of buying a second hard drive and have all users save their
files/documents to there.

I could then do a daily/weekly backup of that drive to an external hard
drive... nothing fancy - No Image/Compression just all the filers in their
original state will do me!

However, as all the accounts are password protected will there be a
problem if & when I backup to the external hard drive?

Debi :)

I use robocopy which will do what you want if you run it or schedule it as
I "think" it is included in Vista by default but if not it is easy to find
on the net.

You just need to create a cmd or bat file with something like this, just
change "USER" for the relative usernames:

robocopy "C:\Users\USER\Documents" "E:\Docs" /MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0 /W:30
robocopy "C:\Users\USER\Pictures" "E:\Pictures" /MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0 /W:30
robocopy "C:\Users\USER\Favorites" "E:\Favorites" /MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0
robocopy "C:\Users\USER\Contacts" "E:\Contacts" /MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0 /W:30
robocopy "C:\Users\USER\Music" "E:\Music" /MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0 /W:30
robocopy "C:\Users\USER\Videos" "E:\Videos" /MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0 /W:30
robocopy "C:\Users\USER\Downloads" "E:\Downloads" /MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0
robocopy "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail" "E:\Email"
/MIR /SEC /V /NP /R:0 /W:30

You can add any other dir of your choice, just create a new line with the
relative paths.
Change "E" to whatever the drive letter is of your ext disc.

It'll take a few mins to setup, but it is easy to run & schedule if you
It will ensure that the contents of the backup always match the contents of
the users dir.

To create a cmd or bat file, create a new txt doc & save it as cmd or bat.

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