Lavert said:
Anyone know anything about I/O Magic 4GB USB 2.0 Micro
Drive? On sale at Home Depot for $99.00. Am considering
this one for backing up my hard drive. Thnaks in advance.
Home Depot? Let me guess, it's in the same aisle as Draino and
Liquid Plumber. Those are the only backup items I've ever found
at Home Depot. Sorry, I couldn't resist that one.
Seriously, the best feature of these types of drives is their
portability. They're great if you want to transport files
between two physical locations. I find them to be a somewhat
limited backup device. Even 4GB can fill up quickly.
As an alternative, you might want to consider an external USB
drive. OfficeMax recently had an 80GB Western Digital external
HD advertised for $50 after rebates.
CircuitCity currently has a 120GB WD external HD advertised for
That's 30 times the storage space for $30 less when compared to
the drive at Office Depot.
It's your choice. If you want to be able to carry your files
with you then that I/O drive is a good value. If you want to
have flexibility in what you can backup, an external USB drive
would be a better choice.
Good luck