Jerald D Montgomery said:
Its seems if I keep my backup drive pluged in when windows vista starts ,
it tries to start from my backup drive first,How can i fix this?
Hi Jerald.
I'm not knowledgable about booting from an external drive, so I can only say
what I experience.
If the external drive is turned on when the OS is booting up, it isn't
trying to boot from it but rather simply reading the directories into RAM.
If you turn on the external drive after the OS has booted up, it still takes
the time to read it into RAM and usually pops up with the autoplay popup
window option. If you don't need to access files on the external drive,
then I would suggest turning it off. For me, I perform auto backups into a
separate partition and when that gets full, I take that backup file(s) and
copy it onto the external drive. I added that part as I presume many people
keep their external drives on for the auto backup function to save directly
onto it. I don't like the delay in the startup.