Thanks again Raul.
Here is what I wound up doing...and everything appears to be back in order.
1. I also run BCM Mobile, and had installed HP's Credant Protect tools on my
iPAQ 6515. Everysince then, things have been pretty funky with MS
ActiveSync, SOTI Pocket Professional, Media Player, and in general the whole
dang phone/iPAQ.
2. I had tried to uninstall the HP Protect tools right after I installed
them, but it didn't unistall completely. It was immediately "out of memory"
even though the iPAQ store shows 9 out or 12MB free, the 1GB miniSD card has
496MB free..and the 1GB SD card showed 253 MB Free. Today.... I forced
myself to backup and uninstall...then hard reset the mobile.
3. I reinstalled Outlook BCM to the local machine via Add/Remove and
"change" buttons.
4. After finishing that, I restarted the machine....just for safe measure.
When Outlook Ran, it did some maintenance work (reindexing I supposet... I
didn't watch it)
5. I then checked the Database Management tools... everything is there again..
6. I checked the BCM Mobile... all contacts are still there as well.
So...... that's the deal. And thanks to you pointing me in the right
direction.... I was able to get this done. I really appreciate it.
My goal is to attempt and use BCM/Outlook to report 'Billable Hours" to the
Microsoft Small Business Accounting software....for billing purposes.
Integration with Sharepoint is working already...and am playing with
OfficeLive as well.
It's a wonderful life...

If you have any other pointers concerning the above stuff.... point me
towards your blog/site!
If you want to 'play' as well... just reply with "Put me in coach... I wanna
play!" and we'll go from there!!!
Again... I cannot thank you enough for the point in the right direction...
you really saved me some time on this.