I have successfully changed the contrast settings in the registry but i can't
seem to get the code right to fire the BackLightChangeEvent. Please Help I'm
getting a missing method exception. I'm not event sure if i'm on the right
track either.
Public Declare Function CreateEvent Lib "CoreDll.dll" (
ByVal lpEventAttributes As String, _
ByVal bManualReset As Boolean, _
ByVal bInitialState As Boolean, _
ByVal lpName As String) As IntPtr
Public Declare Function SetEvent Lib "CoreDll.dll" (ByVal hEvent As IntPtr)
As Boolean
Public Sub FireEvent()
Dim ehandle As IntPtr = CreateEvent(Nothing, False, False,
If (Not IsNothing(ehandle)) Then
End If
End Sub
seem to get the code right to fire the BackLightChangeEvent. Please Help I'm
getting a missing method exception. I'm not event sure if i'm on the right
track either.
Public Declare Function CreateEvent Lib "CoreDll.dll" (
ByVal lpEventAttributes As String, _
ByVal bManualReset As Boolean, _
ByVal bInitialState As Boolean, _
ByVal lpName As String) As IntPtr
Public Declare Function SetEvent Lib "CoreDll.dll" (ByVal hEvent As IntPtr)
As Boolean
Public Sub FireEvent()
Dim ehandle As IntPtr = CreateEvent(Nothing, False, False,
If (Not IsNothing(ehandle)) Then
End If
End Sub