As long as you have saved thedownloaded program from the internet and then done an install you should be able to copy the program to your CD. For instance. I download AdAware 6.0 and instead of clicking run when prompted at the beginning of the download I choose to "save to" and save the download in "my documents" then once the download is completed I can simply open "my documents" right click on the file that I just downloaded and "send to" my CD drive. That way you have saved the complete program including any and all install files. {:~)
Yea. What he is saying is the right way to do it. I always save a
copy of the download, then I install later. Then save the program to
a folder with an explanative title of what the program is, then save
that folder to a folder I named "installed stuff". Then you can copy
those programs to a CD(s) once in a while so you'll have saved copies
in case of a crash & needed reformat & reinstall of Windows. This is
really important if you are on dial-up because of the download time.
Though some of the programs you saved will want to get a newer version
of itself sometimes anyway. You can also get a free CD from
Microsoft, shipping free too, of all Windows updates through, I think
through Oct of 2003 (also a separate disk with free anti-virus &
firewall, supposed to be good for a year, not assoc with Microsoft).
Or, you can do like I did too - I bought "Norton Ghost" This is an
"imaging" program - it will back up everything =- operating system -
it'll make a complete image of your hard drive, & it is bootable too,
& reinstall everything to where it was at when you saved it. I should
point out that if you don't have a DVD write drive, you are going to
use a lot of CDs. Or better, an external hardrive, but thosenewer USB
plug-ins are expensive - I am going to be checking into buying an old
slow cheap used HD, and a little external case just to put it in, and
maybe put some wiring from the motherboard to the back of the computer
so I can plug it in when I want to make a hardrive image. If someone
has experience or knowledge of this please let me know.
Big Mac