Backing Up

Dec 30, 2011
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I want to do some backing up on a Seagate (or the second time). However when I try do do so I get the message "E: is not a valid drive, or you do not have access".
But E:\Seagate\ is the only option presented in Browse.
Can anyone enlighten me?
If it's a new drive it will need formatting.

Assuming you're using Windows depending on which version you're using the path to it's location will vary but basically you need Control Panel/Administration/Computer Management/Disk management.

In there, right click on the little panel to the left of where the Seagate drive is shown and choose the 'recognise' function (or something similar). Then, still within disk management, format the disk, to FAT 32 if you have the option or NTFS if you don't.

You should then be able to transfer data. I'm also assuming this is an external drive though it would be the same procedure with an internal drive.
First let me thank both of you for your time and interest. I have a rather fetching pink complexion whilst entering this message!
I bought the Seagate storage device about a year ago, used it and haven't used it since. It's "stored" in a drawer with numerous other wired contraptions. When I took it out it had only the USB lead so I thought that that was all it needed. Yes, it also needs a mains power supply, the lead for which was in with a heap of other tangled leads.
Problem solved(!) but I am really sorry to have taken up your time. My thanks once again.
PS. It has made me tidy the drawer!
You solved the problem yourself!:lol:
Stick around and you may beable to help others.:thumb: