I've googled and found a couple of different directions but this seems
to be the standard of what to back up in the registry that seems would
allow us to back up and restore our customized toolbar (although,
granted, it's talking about just deleting the key to restore a missing
Close any open Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows.
Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT
Go to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
There are 3 sub keys: Explorer, ShellBrowser, WebBrowser'
In each of these sub-keys is the entry for ITBarLayout
For IE Toolbars: The WebBrowser Sub-key directly affects IE.
For Windows Explorer Toolbars: The Explorer Sub-key directly affects
The ShellBrowser sub-key may affect IE as well. Its effect on IE and
Windows Explorer is unknown at this time, so if the first option
doesn't work, delete the ITBarLayout value here as well.
Choose the relavent sub-key and right click where it says ITBarLayout
and select Delete.
The deleted value will automatically be recreated for you.
You may want to right click on the main key (above) and select Export.
This will allow you to backup the contents of the whole key, including
I've tried the above and have exported various bits of the registry
around that key and even just specifically the sub-key ITBarLayout
entry under Explorer, hoping that this might also restore my preferred
customized toolbar. However, although the registry key changes after
the various trials and resetting the toolbar each time, my preferred
customization hasn't come back this way.
Perhaps there is another way to do this? After customizing, the
settings have to go _somewhere_. What can be backed up so that I
don't have to do the customizing manually each time, pls?
to be the standard of what to back up in the registry that seems would
allow us to back up and restore our customized toolbar (although,
granted, it's talking about just deleting the key to restore a missing
Close any open Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows.
Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT
Go to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
There are 3 sub keys: Explorer, ShellBrowser, WebBrowser'
In each of these sub-keys is the entry for ITBarLayout
For IE Toolbars: The WebBrowser Sub-key directly affects IE.
For Windows Explorer Toolbars: The Explorer Sub-key directly affects
The ShellBrowser sub-key may affect IE as well. Its effect on IE and
Windows Explorer is unknown at this time, so if the first option
doesn't work, delete the ITBarLayout value here as well.
Choose the relavent sub-key and right click where it says ITBarLayout
and select Delete.
The deleted value will automatically be recreated for you.
You may want to right click on the main key (above) and select Export.
This will allow you to backup the contents of the whole key, including
I've tried the above and have exported various bits of the registry
around that key and even just specifically the sub-key ITBarLayout
entry under Explorer, hoping that this might also restore my preferred
customized toolbar. However, although the registry key changes after
the various trials and resetting the toolbar each time, my preferred
customization hasn't come back this way.
Perhaps there is another way to do this? After customizing, the
settings have to go _somewhere_. What can be backed up so that I
don't have to do the customizing manually each time, pls?