S Eaton
Here's an interesting problem I've run across. Is there a
way to back-up the NTFS permissions in a directory and
corresponding sub-directories *without* backing up the
files? This way I could restore those security rights
*without* over writing any recent data.
I simply have a very security sensitive data volume with
complex folder/file security, very few files get
added/deleted, but security rights constantly get botched
in individual folders because some admins are used to NT
4's security model. I'm not looking to dump the ACL, but
actually have a method to restore a permissions tree if I
have to without overwriting document data.
Here's an interesting problem I've run across. Is there a
way to back-up the NTFS permissions in a directory and
corresponding sub-directories *without* backing up the
files? This way I could restore those security rights
*without* over writing any recent data.
I simply have a very security sensitive data volume with
complex folder/file security, very few files get
added/deleted, but security rights constantly get botched
in individual folders because some admins are used to NT
4's security model. I'm not looking to dump the ACL, but
actually have a method to restore a permissions tree if I
have to without overwriting document data.