backing up Favourites in IE6 with XP Home




I've been exporting my favourites once a month in order to backup them up.
Is this the best way to do it or can I relocate the Favourites file to My
Documents so that it happens automatically each time I back up My Documents
in Nero to CDR?

Modem Ani

I do both. First, I relocated my Favorites to My Documents. (It's easy to
do: Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools - Internet Options - General tab
and click on the Settings button.) Now it gets backed up every time My
Documents is backed up. But I also read in one of these groups about having
a second line of defense. So I also 'export' my Favorites to My Documents.

Modem Ani



This sounds like a good plan. I got as far as Internet Option. The only
Settings folder I can see is under the temporary Internet Folders. Is this
the one you mean? Do I need to do something after I choose settings? Like
choose Move?

Modem Ani

Oops! My mistake. Glad you caught that! Here are the correct instructions:

Favorites is a Windows shell folder. Moving it is as simple as dragging and
dropping your Favorites folder from it's current location to My Documents.
Be sure that you *move* the folder, i.e., do not copy it. Do this with
Internet Explorer closed.

To make sure it 'took', reboot your computer and check that the Favorites
folder is now in My Documents. (It will still have the star icon.) Open IE -
see your Favorites? You're all set.

The instructions I first sent will move your Temporary Internet Folders to a
new location.

Modem Ani



Thanks for the instructions. That worked beautifully!

I hesitate to show my ignorance but what exactly is a shell folder?

Modem Ani

That's hardly a show of ignorance - if anything, it's a show of interest.

A shell is the outermost layer of a program. Shell is another way of saying
'user interface'. So a 'shell folder' is a folder that the programmer
created to be part of the user interface.

Modem Ani


I see. I presume this means if you can see it, you can move it? Thanks once

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